Coins/PEPS Coin



News about PEPS Coin

PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
14 Sep 2022, 07:55
Good morning dear DECENOMY friends, we have had some "hard days" and had to defend ourselves against a major attack on all levels. We have stabilized SAPP with your help and can even see a nice rising trend again. The YieldNodes and the SAPP communities have shown a lot of strength, thank you very much for that. I had announced new information channels for these days. Unfortunately this will take a few more days. Therefore I will inform you here about the current status: Our research confirm the information we had received before: We were attacked by a larger group of DeFi supporters. The professionalism with which this was done shows that this was planned from long hand. In addition to the dumping action, targeted information was spread in various channels against us, including that we were a scam. We have been in existence for more than 3 years, we are transparent and have already been audited several times, most of them live in our offices and hubs. We have officially registered companies, many of the members of the DECENOMY group are working full time for our vision of a new fair market economy. When people claim we are a risky unregulated investment, like most startups, that is certainly true and we explain that to every partner in YieldNodes. If people claim we are a scam, then that is an spiteful insinuation. After consulting with our lawyers, we will take legal action against this. The hammer was fired by the supposedly reputable exchange "Kraken". Several YieldNodes investors had their accounts terminated after YieldNodes paid out their earnings. This proves that it was never about protecting customers from investing in a scam, it was always about harming, or even destroying YieldNodes. But I think that these attackers underestimated the strength of DECENOMY, of which you are an essential part. We are currently building data centers at various locations in Europe in order to have our own decentralized infrastructure. In the second step, we will build further data centers worldwide as part of our hub concept, which DECENOMY partners can also operate according to defined standards. We call these data centers "Node Space". Our hub concept provides worldwide real meeting points for DECENOMY, where people can meet and get information about DECENOMY at appropriate events or individually. The Hubs provide space and Node Space for DECENOMY. The first Hubs are operated by us, we would be happy if more Hubs are operated by other DECENOMY partners. Currently there are two hubs, the first one in Malta and the second in northern Germany, more will follow in Italy, Portugal, Dubai and Sao Tome. For our mobile charging station project for electric cars, we are establishing a new company "Mobolith GmbH" in Germany. It will have the legal form of a corporation. Mobolith will be the first company to run entirely on DECENOMY. MOBIC will be used as the coin. In addition to MOBIC, we will set up a new coin which will represent the field of energy, this will probably happen in Dubai, but of course anyone can invest. UCR will also be used, as CO2 is saved there. As another project, we are currently preparing "Slyhit", a new type of auctions for private users. The application is fully programmed. We are still clarifying legal issues and will launch "Slyhit" this year. For Slyhit the 777 and the KYAN Coin will be used. SAPP as a leading currency will of course be used directly and indirectly in each of the projects. I think through these first projects more and more people will understand how DECENOMY works.
Good morning dear DECENOMY friends,.
Good morning dear DECENOMY friends, we have had some "hard days" and had to defend ourselves against a major attack on all levels. We have stabilized SAPP with your help and can even see a nice rising trend again.  The YieldNodes and the SAPP communities have shown a lot of strength, thank you very much for that. I had announced new information channels for these days. Unfortunately this will take a few more days. Therefore I will inform you here about the current status: Our research confirm the information we had received before: We were attacked by a larger group of DeFi supporters. The professionalism with which this was done shows that this was planned from long hand. In addition to the dumping action, targeted information was spread in various channels against us, including that we were a scam.  We have been in existence for more than 3 years, we are transparent and have already been audited several times, most of them live in our offices and hubs. We have officially registered companies, many of the members of the DECENOMY group are working full time for our vision of a new fair market economy. When people claim we are a risky unregulated investment, like most startups, that is certainly true and we explain that to every partner in YieldNodes. If people claim we are a scam, then that is an spiteful insinuation. After consulting with our lawyers, we will take legal action against this.  The hammer was fired by the supposedly reputable exchange "Kraken". Several YieldNodes investors had their accounts terminated after YieldNodes paid out their earnings. This proves that it was never about protecting customers from investing in a scam, it was always about harming, or even destroying YieldNodes. But I think that these attackers underestimated the strength of DECENOMY, of which you are an essential part. We are currently building data centers at various locations in Europe in order to have our own decentralized infrastructure. In the second step, we will build further data centers worldwide as part of our hub concept, which DECENOMY partners can also operate according to defined standards. We call these data centers "Node Space". Our hub concept provides worldwide real meeting points for DECENOMY, where people can meet and get information about DECENOMY at appropriate events or individually. The Hubs provide space and Node Space for DECENOMY. The first Hubs are operated by us, we would be happy if more Hubs are operated by other DECENOMY partners. Currently there are two hubs, the first one in Malta and the second in northern Germany, more will follow in Italy, Portugal, Dubai and Sao Tome. For our mobile charging station project for electric cars, we are establishing a new company "Mobolith GmbH" in Germany. It will have the legal form of a corporation. Mobolith will be the first company to run entirely on DECENOMY. MOBIC will be used as the coin. In addition to MOBIC, we will set up a new coin which will represent the field of energy, this will probably happen in Dubai, but of course anyone can invest. UCR will also be used, as CO2 is saved there. As another project, we are currently preparing "Slyhit", a new type of auctions for private users. The application is fully programmed. We are still clarifying legal issues and will launch "Slyhit" this year. For Slyhit the 777 and the KYAN Coin will be used. SAPP as a leading currency will of course be used directly and indirectly in each of the projects. I think through these first projects more and more people will understand how DECENOMY works.
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
04 Sep 2022, 18:41
Dear DECENOMY friends, I know that many have been waiting for a message from me for some time. But every time I wanted to make a major announcement, something happened that threw our plans out of whack and forced us to make changes. There have been positive news, like the opportunities offered by the government of Sao Tome, as well as negative news, like the multiple Bitcoin crashes, attacks on our coins, especially on the Sapphire, and of course the Ukraine war, but also that our first real projects were repeatedly postponed due to technical problems. However, the dump action against Sapphire, combined with some panic selling showed me three things: 1. as the mastermind behind everything, I have a permanent duty to inform. In the future, I will fulfil this duty in a comprehensive and detailed manner on various information channels, the main will be the "Channel Urs". But since we have a total of over 200,000 followers, of course I can't answer every question. However, we will organise question rounds and our qualified support team will be also available to answer questions. 2. gamblers should not rely on us stabilising Sapphire regardless of manipulation attempts. The people who use our coins or invest in them must be able to rely on the stability of value, but they must also contribute to it themselves. However they can only do this if they receive the necessary information from me, which closes the circle again to me. 3. We must strongly defend ourselves against any allegation that we are a scam. We are the only project that does real audits on our premises, where auditors can meet us in person, ask us questions and we disclose everything. But still people who have never been in contact with us call us a scam. The process remembers to the rating agencies that were in big parts responsible for the financial crash of 2008. Chainalysis is a classic middleman, telling a middleman-free technology which transactions are trustworthy and which are not. But the best thing is that Chainalysis classifies services as scam without ever having spoken to them. We are breaking away from the DeFi rules because we want to build a financial system that is oriented towards the real economy. So we don't fit into their matrix of gambling bankers called traders and investment bankers. We have no problem being named as a risky investment, but we are not a scam. That I call you all "DECENOMY friends" has something to do with the fact that we finally want to unite officially everything that belongs together. All our coins and YieldNodes form the basis for DECENOMY. Until now, there were only links, but no clear structures. The personal meetings and audits were previously reserved for YieldNodes investors and team members. From spring 2023, however, it will be possible for all DECENOMY partners, also all coin owners and interested persons, to meet us in person in our hubs, receive information there and become part of our community. We don't want to hide in internet anonymity like other projects as we are real partners you can touch. We will also create a stronger connection between YieldNodes and the coins. Those who invest in YieldNodes with DECENOMY coins will receive a discount of up to 10%. Until now it was only possible to cash out in SAPP, but in the future it will be possible to invest and cash out with all coins. Last month f.e., the return on YieldNodes was higher than the return on masternoding in SAPP. This will lead to a further stabilisation of our coins and thus to an increase in the yield of YieldNodes as well. Yields will increase further when our coins are used in our electric car charging concept, called Mobolith, and when Slyhit, our new way of trading, launches. Both will happen in the near time. More detailed information will be available next week.
Dear DECENOMY friends,. I know that many have been waiting for a message from me for some time.
Dear DECENOMY friends, I know that many have been waiting for a message from me for some time. But every time I wanted to make a major announcement, something happened that threw our plans out of whack and forced us to make changes. There have been positive news, like the opportunities offered by the government of Sao Tome, as well as negative news, like the multiple Bitcoin crashes, attacks on our coins, especially on the Sapphire, and of course the Ukraine war, but also that our first real projects were repeatedly postponed due to technical problems. However, the dump action against Sapphire, combined with some panic selling showed me three things: 1. as the mastermind behind everything, I have a permanent duty to inform. In the future, I will fulfil this duty in a comprehensive and detailed manner on various information channels, the main will be the "Channel Urs". But since we have a total of over 200,000 followers, of course I can't answer every question. However, we will organise question rounds and our qualified support team will be also available to answer questions. 2. gamblers should not rely on us stabilising Sapphire regardless of manipulation attempts. The people who use our coins or invest in them must be able to rely on the stability of value, but they must also contribute to it themselves. However they can only do this if they receive the necessary information from me, which closes the circle again to me.  3. We must strongly defend ourselves against any allegation that we are a scam. We are the only project that does real audits on our premises, where auditors can meet us in person, ask us questions and we disclose everything. But still people who have never been in contact with us call us a scam. The process remembers to the rating agencies that were in big parts responsible for the financial crash of 2008. Chainalysis is a classic middleman, telling a middleman-free technology which transactions are trustworthy and which are not. But the best thing is that Chainalysis classifies services as scam without ever having spoken to them. We are breaking away from the DeFi rules because we want to build a financial system that is oriented towards the real economy. So we don't fit into their matrix of gambling bankers called traders and investment bankers. We have no problem being named as a risky investment, but we are not a scam. That I call you all "DECENOMY friends" has something to do with the fact that we finally want to unite officially everything that belongs together. All our coins and YieldNodes form the basis for DECENOMY. Until now, there were only links, but no clear structures. The personal meetings and audits were previously reserved for YieldNodes investors and team members. From spring 2023, however, it will be possible for all DECENOMY partners, also all coin owners and interested persons, to meet us in person in our hubs, receive information there and become part of our community. We don't want to hide in internet anonymity like other projects as we are real partners you can touch. We will also create a stronger connection between YieldNodes and the coins. Those who invest in YieldNodes with DECENOMY coins will receive a discount of up to 10%. Until now it was only possible to cash out in SAPP, but in the future it will be possible to invest and cash out with all coins. Last month f.e., the return on YieldNodes was higher than the return on masternoding in SAPP. This will lead to a further stabilisation of our coins and thus to an increase in the yield of YieldNodes as well.  Yields will increase further when our coins are used in our electric car charging concept, called Mobolith,  and when Slyhit, our new way of trading, launches. Both will happen in the near time. More detailed information will be available next week.
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
31 Aug 2022, 14:17
Dear DECENOMY community, Like you probably all have seen the past week we have some massive selling pressure on our coins… We have been following up on this and noticed that the main pressure is coming from people who try to buy low and sell higher, gambling against our prices who have been in an upward trend since a long time. Since we don’t believe in gambling on currencies we can’t support this event so we will temporarily not support the markets. Investors who invest in is because of the project and make money out of the rewards they receive is something 100% natural and logical, it is the way to go… And remember since this is the most important part for me to this announcement, when you stake or masternode the price of the coin is irrelevant since as long as you sell your rewards you get break even at some point and end up with profit since you still have your initial coins standing in your wallets… the only thing is that it can take longer than anticipated but since we are all here for the long run this is nothing to worry about. Kind regards, The DECENOMY team
Dear DECENOMY community,. Like you probably all have seen the past week we have some massive selling pressure on our coins….
Dear DECENOMY community, Like you probably all have seen the past week we have some massive selling pressure on our coins…  We have been following up on this and noticed that the main pressure is coming from people who try to buy low and sell higher, gambling against our prices who have been in an upward trend since a long time.  Since we don’t believe in gambling on currencies we can’t support this event so we will temporarily not support the markets.  Investors who invest in is because of the project and make money out of the rewards they receive is something 100% natural and logical, it is the way to go…  And remember since this is the most important part for me to this announcement, when you stake or masternode the price of the coin is irrelevant since as long as you sell your rewards you get break even at some point and end up with profit since you still have your initial coins standing in your wallets… the only thing is that it can take longer than anticipated but since we are all here for the long run this is nothing to worry about.  Kind regards, The DECENOMY team
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
20 Aug 2022, 18:32
Dear PEPS friends, The new Peps (PEPS) v3.0.2.0 Mandatory Update is released. This new version of the wallet is mandatory to be on the resume of the blockchain, and includes the following changes: - Includes new burn addresses that are directly associated with the old DeFi pool's addresses where the former developer didn't release the investors locked coins; We would like to explain why the blockchain was halted for inspection, and why it took some days to resume it. We instructed the former PEPS developer to pay back everybody's coins on the old DeFi pool created by him, together with the swap of all tokens related to PEPS, because we wanted to close it. He asked then for an extra mint to support those operations because he didn't have any more coins after the takeover. During several months he made some paybacks, but not all, holding back coins from the investors. Additionally, he said that was needed ~6M of coins to support all, but meanwhile, he already asked for paybacks over ~9M. When we discovered all these anomalies, we fired Taylor immediately. We then started to discover some other strange situations, the addresses of the pool still had in total of 9.3M coins, and some of those addresses were staking and winning almost every single block, making it an huge security risk. This means that Taylor not only held those coins, but he was also using them to dump ~6M PEPS on the exchanges. Additionally, he also mixed some paybacks to his addresses. Thank you for your understanding, and patience. We are truly sorry for all the caused inconvenience, The DECENOMY Core Developers.
Dear PEPS friends,. The new Peps (PEPS) v3. 0 Mandatory Update is released.
Dear PEPS friends, The new Peps (PEPS) v3.0.2.0 Mandatory Update is released. This new version of the wallet is mandatory to be on the resume of the blockchain, and includes the following changes: - Includes new burn addresses that are directly associated with the old DeFi pool's addresses where the former developer didn't release the investors locked coins; We would like to explain why the blockchain was halted for inspection, and why it took some days to resume it. We instructed the former PEPS developer to pay back everybody's coins on the old DeFi pool created by him, together with the swap of all tokens related to PEPS, because we wanted to close it. He asked then for an extra mint to support those operations because he didn't have any more coins after the takeover. During several months he made some paybacks, but not all, holding back coins from the investors. Additionally, he said that was needed ~6M of coins to support all, but meanwhile, he already asked for paybacks over ~9M. When we discovered all these anomalies, we fired Taylor immediately. We then started to discover some other strange situations, the addresses of the pool still had in total of 9.3M coins, and some of those addresses were staking and winning almost every single block, making it an huge security risk. This means that Taylor not only held those coins, but he was also using them to dump ~6M PEPS on the exchanges. Additionally, he also mixed some paybacks to his addresses. Thank you for your understanding, and patience. We are truly sorry for all the caused inconvenience, The DECENOMY Core Developers.
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
01 Aug 2022, 11:51
#Decenomy Summer Event, Malta!
#Decenomy Summer Event, Malta.
#Decenomy Summer Event, Malta!
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
13 Jul 2022, 08:42
💰 There are less than 26 days remaining until the next $PEPS Masternode collateral increment! Believe it or not, but only 7000 PEPS coins are required to start a masternode. host it 100% Free at @iHostMN ⚠️ Don't wait much longer, secure your #PEPS coins from @birakecom today
There are less than 26 days remaining until the next $PEPS Masternode collateral increment.
💰 There are less than 26 days remaining until the next $PEPS Masternode collateral increment! Believe it or not, but only 7000 PEPS coins are required to start a masternode. host it 100% Free at @iHostMN ⚠️ Don't wait much longer, secure your #PEPS coins from @birakecom today
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
08 Jul 2022, 10:12
Did you know that $PEPS Masternode is the least expensive among all of the #Decenomy Coinverse! Not just that, start your masternode with only 7000 #PEPS coins! Amazing 18%+ROI! 🏅 Grab your $PEPS and kick start your FREE #masternode today- #BuyTheDip
Did you know that $PEPS Masternode is the least expensive among all of the #Decenomy Coinverse.
Did you know that $PEPS Masternode is the least expensive among all of the #Decenomy Coinverse! Not just that, start your masternode with only 7000 #PEPS coins! Amazing 18%+ROI! 🏅 Grab your $PEPS and kick start your FREE #masternode today- #BuyTheDip
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
06 Jan 2022, 23:09
PEPS Coin telegram news 06 January 2022 23:09
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
04 Dec 2021, 08:24
Do you hold $PEPR, $PEX or $WPEPS Tokens? You can still convert them into $PEPS coins. Use the swap page to receive #PEPS coins.
Do you hold $PEPR, $PEX or $WPEPS Tokens. You can still convert them into $PEPS coins.
Do you hold $PEPR, $PEX or $WPEPS Tokens? You can still convert them into $PEPS coins. Use the swap page to receive #PEPS coins.
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
02 Dec 2021, 17:55
📢 PEPS Collateral Changes in 1 Day 🛒 You can buy PEPS to start your very own masternode at @Crex_24 @graviex_net or @birakecom Exchanges. 🔥 Check out the #Birake Exchange for biggest volume and Best $PEPS Prices: ⚡️
PEPS Collateral Changes in 1 Day.
📢 PEPS Collateral Changes in 1 Day 🛒 You can buy PEPS to start your very own masternode at @Crex_24 @graviex_net or @birakecom Exchanges. 🔥 Check out the #Birake Exchange for biggest volume and Best $PEPS Prices: ⚡️
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
29 Nov 2021, 13:16
🚀 4⃣ DAYS TO GO 🚀 🔥 $PEPS #Masternodes collateral is going to change from 20K to just 4K! Block Rewards are also going to be changed. 📆 REMEMBER : JUST 4⃣ More Days. Best time to buy #PEPS is NOW! #CryptocurrencyNews #CryptoInvestment #passiveincome #pepship #MetaVersE
DAYS TO GO. $PEPS #Masternodes collateral is going to change from 20K to just 4K. Block Rewards are also going to be changed.
🚀 4⃣ DAYS TO GO 🚀 🔥 $PEPS #Masternodes collateral is going to change from 20K to just 4K! Block Rewards are also going to be changed. 📆 REMEMBER : JUST 4⃣ More Days. Best time to buy #PEPS is NOW! #CryptocurrencyNews #CryptoInvestment #passiveincome #pepship #MetaVersE
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
24 Nov 2021, 14:47
📢 BEHOLD! NEW PEPS IS HERE! 🔥 Most awaited, All new PEPS 3.0 Wallet is here. Now you can create masternode at lower collateral, earn more valuable rewards and watch PEPS reaching moon! ⚡️Download PEPS 3.0: #peps #pepship #CryptocurrencyNews #bitcoin
BEHOLD. NEW PEPS IS HERE. Most awaited, All new PEPS 3. 0 Wallet is here.
📢 BEHOLD! NEW PEPS IS HERE! 🔥 Most awaited, All new PEPS 3.0 Wallet is here. Now you can create masternode at lower collateral, earn more valuable rewards and watch PEPS reaching moon! ⚡️Download PEPS 3.0: #peps #pepship #CryptocurrencyNews #bitcoin
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
02 Oct 2021, 08:58
Did you converted your PEPS coins into wPEPS tokens using our official cross-chain service? If yes, you can apply for swap your wPEPS tokens back into PEPS coins. Please fill this form before OCT 15, 2021 with all required details.
Did you converted your PEPS coins into wPEPS tokens using our official cross-chain service.
Did you converted your PEPS coins into wPEPS tokens using our official cross-chain service? If yes, you can apply for swap your wPEPS tokens back into PEPS coins. Please fill this form before OCT 15, 2021 with all required details.
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
19 Aug 2021, 15:20
💲Did you know that Now You can buy Furniture and other household goods with #Cryptocurrencies like $BTC $ETH $LTC $PEPS $DASH $BCH $XRP $BNB $USDT 🛍️Worldwide Fast & FREE delivery! Best prices at World's Largest #Crypto Store - PEPShip 🛒Shop Now at
Did you know that Now You can buy Furniture and other household goods with #Cryptocurrencies like $BTC $ETH $LTC $PEPS $DASH $BC
💲Did you know that Now You can buy Furniture and other household goods with #Cryptocurrencies like $BTC $ETH $LTC $PEPS $DASH $BCH $XRP $BNB $USDT 🛍️Worldwide Fast & FREE delivery! Best prices at World's Largest #Crypto Store - PEPShip 🛒Shop Now at
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
01 Aug 2021, 08:42
🕶 Fresh collection of cool #Eyewear #Sunglasses #ContactLense at world’s largest crypto mall #PEPShip 😱 Get free shipping and up to 5% cashback, all major crypto accepted 🛒 #ShopWithBitcoin #CryptoStore
Fresh collection of cool #Eyewear #Sunglasses #ContactLense at world's largest crypto mall #PEPShip.
🕶 Fresh collection of cool #Eyewear #Sunglasses #ContactLense at world’s largest crypto mall #PEPShip 😱 Get free shipping and up to 5% cashback, all major crypto accepted 🛒 #ShopWithBitcoin #CryptoStore
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
27 Jul 2021, 17:02
🏆2nd at Top Gainer List $PEPS Congrats #PEPS Community 🔥 ‼️ #DailyTopGainers on #GRAVIEX: #BTCV #PEPS #SCM #NAH #ABET #VRSC #UCR #MW #SFD #DXO 📲 #GraviexMobileApp -
2nd at Top Gainer List $PEPS. Congrats #PEPS Community. #DailyTopGainers on #GRAVIEX:. #BTCV. #PEPS. #ABET. #VRSC.
🏆2nd at Top Gainer List $PEPS Congrats #PEPS Community 🔥 ‼️ #DailyTopGainers on #GRAVIEX: #BTCV #PEPS #SCM #NAH #ABET #VRSC #UCR #MW #SFD #DXO 📲 #GraviexMobileApp -
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
27 Jul 2021, 15:08
Your all times favourite crypto $PEPS now has a feature rich mobile app that offers: 🧊 Secure #crypto wallet 🧊 One click #Masternodes 🧊 In-app #PEPShip shopping 🧊 Events and videos 🧊 Many more.. *available for Android. Coming soon for iOS.
Your all times favourite crypto $PEPS now has a feature rich mobile app that offers:. Secure #crypto wallet.
Your all times favourite crypto $PEPS now has a feature rich mobile app that offers: 🧊 Secure #crypto wallet 🧊 One click #Masternodes 🧊 In-app #PEPShip shopping 🧊 Events and videos 🧊 Many more.. *available for Android. Coming soon for iOS.
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
25 Jun 2021, 09:59
🥻 NEW Fresh collection of Men/Women/Kids Fashion Apparels. Buy with #Cryptocurrency at world's largest Crypto Store. 💯 Free worldwide Shipping + 5% Cashback. Buy Phones, Computers, Shoes, Dresses, Jewelry, Gifts and more! 📢Now ships to El Salvador 🛍️
NEW Fresh collection of Men/Women/Kids Fashion Apparels. Buy with #Cryptocurrency at world's largest Crypto Store.
🥻 NEW Fresh collection of Men/Women/Kids Fashion Apparels. Buy with #Cryptocurrency at world's largest Crypto Store. 💯 Free worldwide Shipping + 5% Cashback. Buy Phones, Computers, Shoes, Dresses, Jewelry, Gifts and more! 📢Now ships to El Salvador 🛍️
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
14 Jun 2021, 11:43
🌶️Be the Early Farm to enjoy High APR at $WCMG and $PEPR DeFi Farm at #PepperFinance 🚜Up to APR at @CmgCoin #YieldFarm 🏆Earn #PEPR Tokens 🔗 @cz_binance #BSC @AdsCryptonimus #DeFi #PEPS #CMGCoin @CoinMarketCap @coingecko @Eljaboom @AdsCryptonimus
Be the Early Farm to enjoy High APR at $WCMG and $PEPR DeFi Farm at #PepperFinance. Up to APR at @CmgCoin #YieldFarm.
🌶️Be the Early Farm to enjoy High APR at $WCMG and $PEPR DeFi Farm at #PepperFinance 🚜Up to APR at @CmgCoin #YieldFarm 🏆Earn #PEPR Tokens 🔗 @cz_binance #BSC @AdsCryptonimus #DeFi #PEPS #CMGCoin @CoinMarketCap @coingecko @Eljaboom @AdsCryptonimus
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
11 Jun 2021, 06:43
. 🌛 🚀 . . . . . . . . . . . 💥 #PEX #YieldFarming
#PEX #YieldFarming.
. 🌛 🚀 . . . . . . . . . . . 💥 #PEX #YieldFarming
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
10 Jun 2021, 19:04
🚜PEX Embassy Farms | Token Burn 🔥More than 1000 PEX Tokens are Automatically Burned so far, Worth more than $35,000.00 😱 Start Farming on a meaningful Finance, Today. 🕸️
PEX Embassy Farms | Token Burn. More than 1000 PEX Tokens are Automatically Burned so far, Worth more than $35,000.
🚜PEX Embassy Farms | Token Burn 🔥More than 1000 PEX Tokens are Automatically Burned so far, Worth more than $35,000.00 😱 Start Farming on a meaningful Finance, Today. 🕸️
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
07 Jun 2021, 17:13
Are you #YieldFarming on #Binance #BSC at other farms then Embassy? You should know is that $PEX Token is still very undervalued at $36, while giving you the highest returns among the industry. PEX Price= $36 Farm APR= up to 3,110% Farm Fees= ZERO 🚀
Are you #YieldFarming on #Binance #BSC at other farms then Embassy.
Are you #YieldFarming on #Binance #BSC at other farms then Embassy? You should know is that $PEX Token is still very undervalued at $36, while giving you the highest returns among the industry. PEX Price= $36 Farm APR= up to 3,110% Farm Fees= ZERO 🚀
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
07 Jun 2021, 13:22
$PEX Embassy X is now open! Step in for insane passive income. Yes, it's safe!
$PEX Embassy X is now open. Step in for insane passive income. Yes, it's safe.
$PEX Embassy X is now open! Step in for insane passive income. Yes, it's safe!
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
07 Jun 2021, 11:14
PEX Embassy ✖️ BSC Yield Farms All new most awaited Embassy opens today $PEX Token has: 🚀Max 740K Supply 🚀Automatic PEX Burn 🚀1% Txn Fee 🚀Buyback of PEX 🚀Deflationary Xnomics 🚀Backed by 4yo $PEPS 🌛 Be an Early Farmer: @cctip_com draw 50 TRX 300
PEX Embassy BSC Yield Farms. All new most awaited Embassy opens today. $PEX Token has:. Max 740K Supply. Automatic PEX Burn.
PEX Embassy ✖️ BSC Yield Farms All new most awaited Embassy opens today $PEX Token has: 🚀Max 740K Supply 🚀Automatic PEX Burn 🚀1% Txn Fee 🚀Buyback of PEX 🚀Deflationary Xnomics 🚀Backed by 4yo $PEPS 🌛 Be an Early Farmer: @cctip_com draw 50 TRX 300
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
06 Jun 2021, 19:08
⏱️Few more hours to open #Embassy X. TVL already crossed $435K & $PEX price hover above $30! You can still save 70% when you buy PEX token now, before it reaches $100 early-target price! @BSCStars @BNBSwap @Eljaboom @news_of_bsc @bsc_daily @BscChecker
Few more hours to open #Embassy X. TVL already crossed $435K & $PEX price hover above $30.
⏱️Few more hours to open #Embassy X. TVL already crossed $435K & $PEX price hover above $30! You can still save 70% when you buy PEX token now, before it reaches $100 early-target price! @BSCStars @BNBSwap @Eljaboom @news_of_bsc @bsc_daily @BscChecker
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
05 Jun 2021, 20:15
PEX Embassy Token features and farms explained (English video) PEPS Embassy - Launch next 7 June 2021 PEX AMM - @AdsCryptonimus @projectpeps @PEPS_Brasil #pex #pexembassy #peps #pepsembassy #peps #pepsproject #pexamm #pexfarm #pexstaking
PEX Embassy Token features and farms explained (English video).
PEX Embassy Token features and farms explained (English video) PEPS Embassy - Launch next 7 June 2021 PEX AMM - @AdsCryptonimus @projectpeps @PEPS_Brasil #pex #pexembassy #peps #pepsembassy #peps #pepsproject #pexamm #pexfarm #pexstaking
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
03 Jun 2021, 10:37
📢New $PEX #Embassy Farm is around the corner, Some of the #PEX token features are: 💎1% Transaction Tax 💎Automatic Burning of PEX 💎BuyBack + Burning 💎BuyBack of $PEPR tokens 💎Low MAX Supply of 740K 💎Deflationary Structure 💎Yearly Reward Halving 💎Zero Fee for PEX Farms
New $PEX #Embassy Farm is around the corner, Some of the #PEX token features are:. 1% Transaction Tax. Automatic Burning of PEX.
📢New $PEX #Embassy Farm is around the corner, Some of the #PEX token features are: 💎1% Transaction Tax 💎Automatic Burning of PEX 💎BuyBack + Burning 💎BuyBack of $PEPR tokens 💎Low MAX Supply of 740K 💎Deflationary Structure 💎Yearly Reward Halving 💎Zero Fee for PEX Farms
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
28 May 2021, 19:46
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Aquí tenéis una interesante entrevista al fundador y desarrollador de PEPS Project, un ecosistema dentro de las criptom…
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Aquí tenéis una interesante entrevista al fundador y desarrollador de PEPS Project, un ecosistema dentro de
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Aquí tenéis una interesante entrevista al fundador y desarrollador de PEPS Project, un ecosistema dentro de las criptom…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
27 May 2021, 20:30
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Here is an extensive interview with Taylor about the PEPS Project, PEPR, PEX Embassy, pepship and the whole ecosystem.…
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Here is an extensive interview with Taylor about the PEPS Project, PEPR, PEX Embassy, pepship and the whole
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Here is an extensive interview with Taylor about the PEPS Project, PEPR, PEX Embassy, pepship and the whole ecosystem.…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
25 May 2021, 17:14
✖️PEX DeFi #YieldFarming Explained (Spanish) 💵 Supported Currencies: $BNB $BUSD $ETH $BTCB $USDT $PEX $PEPR $PEPS 🚜 Visit | Starts June 1st 📺 #PEXDeFi #PexToken #PexFarms #PexEmbassy #Embassy @Eljaboom @cz_binance @BSCStars
PEX DeFi #YieldFarming Explained (Spanish). Supported Currencies: $BNB $BUSD $ETH $BTCB $USDT $PEX $PEPR $PEPS.
✖️PEX DeFi #YieldFarming Explained (Spanish) 💵 Supported Currencies: $BNB $BUSD $ETH $BTCB $USDT $PEX $PEPR $PEPS 🚜 Visit | Starts June 1st 📺 #PEXDeFi #PexToken #PexFarms #PexEmbassy #Embassy @Eljaboom @cz_binance @BSCStars
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
21 May 2021, 10:10
🥁New #Pepper Farm added: BUSD-USDC LP 🌶️Enjoy higher APR with reduced deposit fees. ⚠️100% of the deposit fees goes toward BuyBack of $PEPR tokens. 💱 | #BSC #BNB $PEPS @BinanceChain @cctip_com draw 100 TRX 100 #YieldFarming
New #Pepper Farm added: BUSD-USDC LP. Enjoy higher APR with reduced deposit fees.
🥁New #Pepper Farm added: BUSD-USDC LP 🌶️Enjoy higher APR with reduced deposit fees. ⚠️100% of the deposit fees goes toward BuyBack of $PEPR tokens. 💱 | #BSC #BNB $PEPS @BinanceChain @cctip_com draw 100 TRX 100 #YieldFarming
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
19 May 2021, 15:02
RT @AdsCryptonimus: PEPR Finance ha sufrido un intento de fraude, así que mucho cuidado. a través de @AdsCryptonimu…
RT @AdsCryptonimus: PEPR Finance ha sufrido un intento de fraude, así que mucho cuidado. a través de @AdsCryptonimu….
RT @AdsCryptonimus: PEPR Finance ha sufrido un intento de fraude, así que mucho cuidado. a través de @AdsCryptonimu…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
19 May 2021, 11:45
🌶️Urgent Pepper Finance Alert 🌶️ ⚠️We are no longer associated with Elizabeth / Sishi Finance. Please remove your $PEPR tokens from their website. 📈Please join our official Pepper Finance Group
Urgent Pepper Finance Alert. We are no longer associated with Elizabeth / Sishi Finance.
🌶️Urgent Pepper Finance Alert 🌶️ ⚠️We are no longer associated with Elizabeth / Sishi Finance. Please remove your $PEPR tokens from their website. 📈Please join our official Pepper Finance Group
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
17 May 2021, 19:23
#DeFi ReDefined! All new $PEX v2 is on it's way out. Whole new upgrade to the existing PEX DeFi Pool - Website - Yield Mechanism with a new token is coming soon. 🥁 #BSC #PEPS #YieldFarming #YFI @cz_binance @BNBSwap @BSCStars @news_of_bsc @BSCTalkForum
#DeFi ReDefined. All new $PEX v2 is on it's way out.
#DeFi ReDefined! All new $PEX v2 is on it's way out. Whole new upgrade to the existing PEX DeFi Pool - Website - Yield Mechanism with a new token is coming soon. 🥁 #BSC #PEPS #YieldFarming #YFI @cz_binance @BNBSwap @BSCStars @news_of_bsc @BSCTalkForum
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
14 May 2021, 10:17
$PEPS Team is working on the newest upgrades for the $PEX #DeFi investors. A new update is on the way. For those who don't know about #PEX - ♦️Limited Max Supply - 74000 PEX ♦️Less than 500 PEX in circulation ♦️No Presale / Airdrop Done ♦️Released on December 2020 #BSC #YIELD
$PEPS Team is working on the newest upgrades for the $PEX #DeFi investors. A new update is on the way.
$PEPS Team is working on the newest upgrades for the $PEX #DeFi investors. A new update is on the way. For those who don't know about #PEX - ♦️Limited Max Supply - 74000 PEX ♦️Less than 500 PEX in circulation ♦️No Presale / Airdrop Done ♦️Released on December 2020 #BSC #YIELD
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
13 May 2021, 18:00
RT @MetaMask: Don’t feel blue. MetaMask is safe, and your funds are secure. We made a minor color change to blue on the: - unlock button -…
RT @MetaMask: Don't feel blue. MetaMask is safe, and your funds are secure. We made a minor color change to blue on the:.
RT @MetaMask: Don’t feel blue. MetaMask is safe, and your funds are secure. We made a minor color change to blue on the: - unlock button -…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
11 May 2021, 13:47
RT @PancakeSwap: Increase your Gwei (gas) to make sure your transactions go through fast. @TrustWalletApp
RT @PancakeSwap: Increase your Gwei (gas) to make sure your transactions go through fast. @TrustWalletApp.
RT @PancakeSwap: Increase your Gwei (gas) to make sure your transactions go through fast. @TrustWalletApp
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
11 May 2021, 09:10
RT @0xsishi: sVault - New single vault added @projectpeps. PEPR TG: *APY data is updating.…
RT @0xsishi: sVault - New single vault added @projectpeps. *APY data is updating.
RT @0xsishi: sVault - New single vault added @projectpeps. ✅ PEPR TG: *APY data is updating.…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
11 May 2021, 08:33
RT @BinanceChain: #BSC Dev community and validators have noted the low TPS (around 100) and transactions take longer to get blocked. Valid…
RT @BinanceChain: #BSC Dev community and validators have noted the low TPS (around 100) and transactions take longer to get bloc
RT @BinanceChain: #BSC Dev community and validators have noted the low TPS (around 100) and transactions take longer to get blocked. Valid…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
10 May 2021, 18:16
RT @PancakeSwap: BSC nodes seem to be suffering at the moment, causing failed tx's and everything to slow down. You can change your RPC UR…
RT @PancakeSwap: BSC nodes seem to be suffering at the moment, causing failed tx's and everything to slow down.
RT @PancakeSwap: BSC nodes seem to be suffering at the moment, causing failed tx's and everything to slow down. You can change your RPC UR…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
07 May 2021, 14:49
✨Please show your support by following our new Twitter Pepper Finance: 🏆 FOLLOW + REPOST 😋🌶 🌶️ @BNBSwap @BSCStars @BSCstarter @news_of_bsc @Eljaboom #PEPS #PEPR
Please show your support by following our new Twitter Pepper Finance:. FOLLOW + REPOST.
✨Please show your support by following our new Twitter Pepper Finance: 🏆 FOLLOW + REPOST 😋🌶 🌶️ @BNBSwap @BSCStars @BSCstarter @news_of_bsc @Eljaboom #PEPS #PEPR
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
07 May 2021, 12:10
RT @PepperFinance:
RT @PepperFinance:.
RT @PepperFinance:
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
07 May 2021, 10:55
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Comprar con PEPR en pedido recibido en 2 semanas a través de @AdsCrypto…
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Comprar con PEPR en pedido recibido en 2 semanas a través de @AdsCrypto….
RT @AdsCryptonimus: Comprar con PEPR en pedido recibido en 2 semanas a través de @AdsCrypto…
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
03 May 2021, 20:26
Pepper Finance's #AMM Exchange has been upgraded to the newer version which compliance with #PancakeSwap V2 LP. Users can now use it for instant trading & creation or removal of LP. 🌶️ 💱 #bsc #yieldfarming #defi $PEPR $PEPS
Pepper Finance's #AMM Exchange has been upgraded to the newer version which compliance with #PancakeSwap V2 LP.
✨ Pepper Finance's #AMM Exchange has been upgraded to the newer version which compliance with #PancakeSwap V2 LP. Users can now use it for instant trading & creation or removal of LP. 🌶️ 💱 #bsc #yieldfarming #defi $PEPR $PEPS
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
01 May 2021, 13:02
#PepperFinance has successfully migrated all farms to #PancakeSwapV2 You will love our new high #APR #YieldFarming Pepper Farms! Make sure you are not missing out on passive income with our unique deflatory #Tokenomics 🌶️ $PEPR #BSC @cz_binance @bscscan
#PepperFinance has successfully migrated all farms to #PancakeSwapV2.
#PepperFinance has successfully migrated all farms to #PancakeSwapV2 You will love our new high #APR #YieldFarming Pepper Farms! Make sure you are not missing out on passive income with our unique deflatory #Tokenomics 🌶️ $PEPR #BSC @cz_binance @bscscan
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
30 Apr 2021, 11:50
Pepper Finance is now undergoing migration from LP v1 tokens to LP v2 tokens. Please contact our team at Telegram if you need any assistance. $PEPR #PancakeSwapV2 #YieldFarming
Pepper Finance is now undergoing migration from LP v1 tokens to LP v2 tokens.
Pepper Finance is now undergoing migration from LP v1 tokens to LP v2 tokens. Please contact our team at Telegram if you need any assistance. $PEPR #PancakeSwapV2 #YieldFarming
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
29 Apr 2021, 11:57
📢 LP v2 Migration Alert #PepperFinance is upgrading to new v2 LP Tokens as existing v1 LP is no longer supported. Stay tuned for smooth migration assistance. ⏰Scheduled Migration: TOMORROW 12:00pm GMT 30/APR/2021 🌶 Join $PEPR Telegram for support:
LP v2 Migration Alert. #PepperFinance is upgrading to new v2 LP Tokens as existing v1 LP is no longer supported.
📢 LP v2 Migration Alert #PepperFinance is upgrading to new v2 LP Tokens as existing v1 LP is no longer supported. Stay tuned for smooth migration assistance. ⏰Scheduled Migration: TOMORROW 12:00pm GMT 30/APR/2021 🌶 Join $PEPR Telegram for support:
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
28 Apr 2021, 19:50
🎯 $PEPR Token Swap Alert 📢 🌶Swap of PEPR v1 tokens has been concluded. Thank you for swapping your tokens to PEPR v2.🌶 Visit 🌶 Help🌶 $PEPS #BSC #YieldFarming @cz_binance @BinanceChain
$PEPR Token Swap Alert. Swap of PEPR v1 tokens has been concluded. Thank you for swapping your tokens to PEPR v2. Visit.
🎯 $PEPR Token Swap Alert 📢 🌶Swap of PEPR v1 tokens has been concluded. Thank you for swapping your tokens to PEPR v2.🌶 Visit 🌶 Help🌶 $PEPS #BSC #YieldFarming @cz_binance @BinanceChain
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
27 Apr 2021, 14:29
🎯 $PEPR Token Swap Alert 📢 Manual swap of #PEPR v1 tokens will be suspended on 28/APR/2021. After this date users can make the swap directly at Pepper Exchange. If you still hold old PEPR v1 tokens, please send them to swap ASAP. Old Pepper site: 🌶
$PEPR Token Swap Alert. Manual swap of #PEPR v1 tokens will be suspended on 28/APR/2021.
🎯 $PEPR Token Swap Alert 📢 Manual swap of #PEPR v1 tokens will be suspended on 28/APR/2021. After this date users can make the swap directly at Pepper Exchange. If you still hold old PEPR v1 tokens, please send them to swap ASAP. Old Pepper site: 🌶
PEPS CoinPEPS #1976
26 Apr 2021, 17:18
We are in day 2 of $PEPR token upgrade. If you holds #PEPR tokens it is your chance to get them upgraded with new PEPR v2 tokens at a brighter price. Don't wait too long, if you need help Pepper team is dedicated to help you at every step. 🌶️ #BSC $PEPS
We are in day 2 of $PEPR token upgrade.
We are in day 2 of $PEPR token upgrade. If you holds #PEPR tokens it is your chance to get them upgraded with new PEPR v2 tokens at a brighter price. Don't wait too long, if you need help Pepper team is dedicated to help you at every step. 🌶️ #BSC $PEPS